Teen Challenge was founded by David Wilkerson in 1958. David Wilkerson was an Assemblies of God pastor in Pennsylvania who felt led to hit the streets and minister to teens and gang members. Teen Challenge grew and quickly expanded to many different cities arround the United States as a non for profit organization to help troubled teens but soon started helping imprisoned teens and adults as well. The program was designed to train them for the outside world and to teach them the disiplines of Jesus Christ. We are here so that Jesus can change their lives forever and restore them and deliver them from adictions, anger, drugs and alcohol. One of the main goals is to show them that Jesus has purpose for them in the outside world. While bringing them freedom in Christ Jesus, we teach them how to be free and stay free by showing them how to study the word of God and have a relationship with Jesus so that he is real to them. We teach them to to walk the path of holiness and righteousness and train them up to go be disciples themselves to prepare them for the outside world. Today many have graduated from the program and have become pillars of Faith, stepping into leadership roles in the world and helping others to be free and do the same while going where God calls them. Make Jesus Lord Of Your Life Today!
Pastor David White started ministering at Teen Challenge in Peoria around 10 years ago ( 2005). He ministered there for many years under the unbrella of other church organizations along with several different people throughout the years in cluding His brother Dennis White. Today Pastor Bob Gonstal heads up the Peoria location and is still there serving and teaching truth under Fire Of God Ministries, bringing redemption and setting the captives free…changing them one life at a time. Bob is active in the prison along with teen challenge but Bob is also active on the streets.
Bob believes we are the church and should not have four walls keeping us in. He is Teaching people to do the same as Jesus and also teaches the guys at teen challenge to lay their lives down for Jesus in total submission to Christ. How to be all in. He prepairs them for when they go out into the world to stay strong and active with the Holy Spirit while working in harmony with the bible, the written word and to use that to guid their everyday living. To empower them to overcome and Love God by Loving the people in the world because now they know Gods Love. Make Jesus your Lord and Master today!